Watercolor on Paper (11" x 15")
I'm back (No...not from Venice!Would love to ,though!Its a dream place for all artists to visit.Well...someday, hopefully).This was done from a reference photograph that I found on the internet a few years ago.
Anyway, my trip was a good one,except for the hot and humid weather in Rajasthan and Delhi.I took many photographs in Jodhpur.I met some artists and visited a few galleries in Delhi.But the art I saw there were mainly abstracts,which is the current trend.Though people still love realistic paintings, the galleries prefer abstracts, I feel.They suggested I paint in some contemporary/abstract style.But changing one's style is not that easy.We can not change our style overnight!It evolves with experience, gradually.I asked this question to some artists I knew who paint abstracts.They said that painting in realistic style is basic, which is absolutely necessary.If the foundation is good,then painting abstracts is not hard, although it will come with experience as we paint everyday.I've also seen some artists who say they can't paint realistic and thats why they chose abstract painting!Well...anyway, I'm trying to change my style a little bit, do some little experiments.Thats the reason I haven't painted anything lately except the one above which I did yesterday.Ccouldn't resist painting such a beautiful scene!