Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Low Tide, Gorai Creek

Watercolor on paper
14 x 21 inches

Done from one of my reference pics of Mumbai city. This is a scene of Gorai creek in suburban Mumbai. One has to cross this creek in order to reach the Gorai beach. While walking towards the ferry, I noticed this wonderful scene of light shining on the sand and immediately captured it on my camera. The famous global vipassana pagoda is also seen in the distance. I have used masking fluid to save the whites just like my last painting of Gorai beach. The figures were added from imagination.


  1. Wow man! This is way beyond anything I have seen lately. Very well done really. Is there also a little bit of gouache in this?

  2. WOW, Ramesh, you really captured your "wonderful scene" beautifully.

  3. It's really a master piece..Excellent.

  4. Stunning painting. Very subtle colors and scene, but so much drama.

  5. Dear Ramesh,
    I love this work!
    Cheers, Sadami

  6. @Vinayak,
    Thanks a lot! I've used only masking fluid :)

    @Studio At The Farm,
    Thank you! Comment much appreciated!

    @Ram Reddy,
    Thanks for appreciating!

    Thank you very much :)

    Many thanks! Cheers :)

    Many thanks!

  7. Ramesh,
    very skilful use of the masking fluid. The shimmering of water looks so real !

  8. love your composition - beautiful painting!
